Garden Center's Tips for Native Plant Gardening in Hudson Valley, NY

When clients come to you with a vision for planting beds in their Hudson Valley, NY, you may have to help them dial back some of their expectations. If some of the plants they want will not thrive in this climate, you have some educating to do. You can use this garden center guide to explain how choosing native plants will lead to a gorgeous—and thriving—yard.

More Bang for the Buck

Choosing plants that are native to the Hudson Valley climate means that when the frost and snow arrive, the plants will be better able to withstand the conditions and return the next season. They typically spread quickly to fill in bare spots, and spread by reseeding themselves. Point out that these are the sorts of plants that can be split to fill in other parts of the yard, all the while bringing your client more bang for the investment they’re making in their landscape.

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A Well-Planned Ecosystem

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Let’s say you have a client who wants a butterfly garden, but she has chosen plants that she saw in her sister’s garden in the southern part of the country. Knowing that many of the plants that draw butterflies in southern climates would not survive in a New York climate, you could suggest native plants such as alyssum, bee balm, coneflower, hummingbird mint, and orange milkweed that you know will thrive. These plants provide food for the wildlife that causes the garden to grow and expand, which in turn encourages more wildlife visitors like the butterflies. They become interdependent on each other, bringing about a flourishing ecosystem, right in your client’s backyard.

Less Maintenance

Because native garden plants are well-suited to the climate, there is less watering and weeding required. Emphasize to your clients that native plants are more likely to better withstand pests and survive when there is too little rain. Their extensive roots help to prevent soil erosion. Suggest a beautiful ground cover that can help to reduce the lawn area while providing thick green leaves and small flowers worth admiring.

Don’t Forget the Trees and Shrubs

Sweet pepperbush, certain types of azaleas, and mountain laurel are among the shrubs that bloom in the spring and offer greenery in other seasons. Planted in groups of three or five, native shrubs can create a focal point for your Hudson Valley clients who want to go further than just adding flowers and ground cover to their outdoor living space.

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Trees that thrive in our climate are dogwoods, redbuds, and some magnolia trees. With colorful leaves and flowers, they can anchor planting beds with height and texture to create more landscape interest. Locating hard-to-find species and seasonal specialties can result in a unique visual outcome and a flourishing landscape for each client.

With more than 30 acres of plants, trees, and shrubs, E.P. Jansen Nursery LLC has an incredibly extensive selection of native plant selection for your projects. Our specialists can advise you as you customize the plant selection for your clients, ensuring that you’ll be able to meet the expectations you make for every job.


E. P. Jansen Nursery began with an inspired vision only a family-run company can design. After purchasing her father's home and five acres of land in 1972, Elizabeth and Jan Jansen transformed the land into a community-focused, pick-your-own-strawberries, gladiolus, and chrysanthemum farm. Over ten-thousand chrysanthemums grew throughout the five acres during those early years. But as Jan and Elizabeth adapted and grew their vision, they also began to look ahead, expanding their business plan by breaking up their expansive flower offerings into separate products, and thus allowing the growth of an extensive, diverse nursery. After over 45 years, this family-focused company has grown to become the premier hardscape and plant supplier in the region. The sprawling farm now offers high-quality nursery stock curated from around the world as well as a comprehensive selection of natural stone, wall systems, pavers, blue stone, granite, and a wide variety of tools and bulk support materials.