5 Benefits of Using Stone Veneer in Bergen County, NJ, Backyard Renovations

A backyard renovation can seem overwhelming—where to begin, what to include, all of the choices that need to be made. This can be especially true if your client wants to keep certain appliances and existing structures intact. When your client is contemplating upgrading the appearance of a Bergen County, NJ, backyard to a more current look, consider suggesting natural stone veneer. Here are five benefits of stone veneer.

Color Choices

Stone veneer comes in most any color, allowing it to complement or blend in with existing architecture and paint colors. Matching a stone veneer to existing brick, for example, is possible because of the myriad of stone color variations. Think about proposing a dark gray or chocolate brown stone veneer for an outdoor kitchen that is bold and dark so that the upgrade will contrast with a light house paint. Or, if the homeowners desire a neutral background for the exterior of their outdoor fireplace, there is stone veneer with natural subtle color variations.

Related: Upgrade an Outdoor Kitchen with Natural Stone from Our Stone Supply in the Sussex County, NJ, Area


Emphasize the fact that stone veneer is strong, waterproof, and authentic in appearance. However, because of its light weight, stone veneer can be used on more surfaces than natural stone. Installed correctly, stone veneer can last a very long time, without fading or peeling or flaking. Seldom affected by freeze-thaw cycles, veneer continues to look great and should not chip or crack in heavy wind or rain.


Compared to natural stone, which can be heavy and more complicated to transport, stone veneer can decrease the overall cost of a project. Lighter weight and quicker installation can make stone veneer an excellent choice for renovations because it can be used to reface an existing fireplace or outdoor grill, or even to update an outdoor bar area. This can be a definite plus for clients on a tighter budget. Stone veneer is quickly becoming one of the favorite ways to highlight a certain section of a home’s exterior, or to update an existing yard structure.

Related: What are the Most Desirable Natural Stone Colors in Bergen County, NJ?


Veneer offers more flexibility than natural stone and could be a go-to material for covering a curved surface. This could make it an ideal choice for refacing an existing curved retaining wall or round column. Cast from real stones for an authentic look, stone veneer can be used over most any surface.

Aesthetic Appeal and Other Advantages

5 Benefits of Using Stone Veneer in Bergen County, NJ, Backyard Renovations

Veneer can be installed in areas that might not be able to support a heavy weight. It can be used most anywhere that your client wants the look of rugged or elegant stone. Quality stone veneer also adds curb appeal to a home, creating an eye-catching focal point of natural beauty. A stone surface adds unique depth and dimension to the façade of outdoor structures and can be more easily customizable than natural stone.

Stone veneer can completely transform the appearance of a backyard kitchen, outdoor fireplace, or retaining wall. With a virtually unlimited color palette to bring visual weight and interest, stone veneer gives you the ability to highlight a particular aspect of a backyard landscape—a hardscape feature that your clients will be able to admire for years to come.


E. P. Jansen Nursery began with an inspired vision only a family-run company can design. After purchasing her father's home and five acres of land in 1972, Elizabeth and Jan Jansen transformed the land into a community-focused, pick-your-own-strawberries, gladiolus, and chrysanthemum farm. Over ten-thousand chrysanthemums grew throughout the five acres during those early years. But as Jan and Elizabeth adapted and grew their vision, they also began to look ahead, expanding their business plan by breaking up their expansive flower offerings into separate products, and thus allowing the growth of an extensive, diverse nursery. After over 45 years, this family-focused company has grown to become the premier hardscape and plant supplier in the region. The sprawling farm now offers high-quality nursery stock curated from around the world as well as a comprehensive selection of natural stone, wall systems, pavers, blue stone, granite, and a wide variety of tools and bulk support materials.