Landscape and Nursery Supplies Not to Miss in the New Year

One way to make a backyard interesting and unique is by incorporating a variety of different materials into its design. While a sophisticated hardscape is vital for comfortable outdoor entertaining, natural elements woven into the landscape design make for a balanced backyard. Fortunately, we have a large stock of mature plants and a huge inventory of hardscape products to fulfill your every material requirement. Here are a few supplies that can be used to perfect your Bergen County, NJ, landscape designs and imbue them with style and character.

Natural Stone

Landscape and Nursery Supplies Not to Miss in the New Year in Bergen County, NJ

Natural stone is renowned for its unique appearance and impeccable quality. Its mere presence in a landscape can therefore boost the value of the property. There are various types of natural stone, including bluestone, limestone and flagstone, and each variety adds something slightly different to the aesthetic of a hardscape design. The color of stone is not only determined by its classification, but is also dependent on where it is mined. Bluestone, for example, can range in color, from gray to rust with undertones of blue, charcoal, earthy brown, and green.

Natural stone can be acquired in a near-endless variety of shapes and sizes. Irregular shapes will have a more natural appearance, while geometric stones are easier to work with and can contribute to a contemporary aesthetic.


Annuals and Perennials

Plants soften the sharp and rigid outline of stone and concrete hardscapes. They are therefore essential to achieving a balanced landscape and can prevent it from having a cold, stark appearance. Your plant selection is important as some varieties will need to be replanted while others require less human intervention. Whether you opt for annual or perennial plants can determine the maintenance requirements and color of the softscape.

Annual plants have a year-long life cycle and need to be replanted every spring. However, most annuals bloom for a long time, while their flowers bear beautiful and vibrant colors. Perennial plants typically survive for longer than two years and continue growing, year after year, until they reach maturity. These plants are generally woody, like trees, and only bloom for a few weeks a year.


Concrete Pavers

Modern landscapes use the unbeatable strength of concrete patios and retaining walls to ensure that they withstand the test of time. Concrete pavers extend the life of any hardscaping project and allow homeowners to save money on repairs in the long run.

However, these pavers are more than just sturdy. They are also incredibly versatile and can be manufactured in a variety of shapes, colors and textures. The sheer diversity of concrete pavers available makes it easy to find one that suits your unique hardscape design.

Landscape Lighting

A well-planned system of landscape lighting can transform the look and feel of any outdoor living space. If a more spacious patio is what is desired, landscape lighting can achieve it! Illuminating walkways can ensure that your backyard is safe after dark, and features that deserve extra focus can be highlighted. Our landscape lighting products are fully fitted with timers, sensors, and innovative technologies that optimize energy consumption.

Image courtesy of Unilock.


E. P. Jansen Nursery began with an inspired vision only a family-run company can design. After purchasing her father's home and five acres of land in 1972, Elizabeth and Jan Jansen transformed the land into a community-focused, pick-your-own-strawberries, gladiolus, and chrysanthemum farm. Over ten-thousand chrysanthemums grew throughout the five acres during those early years. But as Jan and Elizabeth adapted and grew their vision, they also began to look ahead, expanding their business plan by breaking up their expansive flower offerings into separate products, and thus allowing the growth of an extensive, diverse nursery. After over 45 years, this family-focused company has grown to become the premier hardscape and plant supplier in the region. The sprawling farm now offers high-quality nursery stock curated from around the world as well as a comprehensive selection of natural stone, wall systems, pavers, blue stone, granite, and a wide variety of tools and bulk support materials.